University of California, Davis

Distinguished Research Professor of Anthropology and

Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies

Suad Joseph Photo


Anthropology Department, University of California,

One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616

Office 2-R Young (530) 752-1593,  Fax (530) 752-8885



1962-66 State University of New York at Cortland. B.A. Social Science. Magna cum Laude.

1966-67 University of Pittsburgh. Anthropology. One year graduate work.

1967-75 Columbia University Anthropology. Ph.D. 1975. Thesis title: The Politicization of Religious Sects in Borj Hammoud, Lebanon.

Dr. Suad Joseph Abbreviated CV

Honors and Awards


      Most of Dr. Joseph's anthropological field research has focused on her native Lebanon. Her early work investigated the politicization of religious sects in Lebanon leading up to the civil war in 1975.  Questions of ethnicity and state, local community organization and development led her to consider the impact of women's visiting networks on local and national politics, and the relationships between local communities, community organizations and the state. Joseph developed a long-term research program on the interface of gender, family and state in the Middle East, with a focus on Lebanon, with comparative work in Iraq. Central to this research program has been her work theorizing culturally situated notions of "self", "rights", "citizenship" in the context of different political regimes and in the context of the pressures and processes of globalization. She is carrying out a long-term research project following a cohort of children in a Lebanese village, observing, as they grow, how they learn their notions of rights, responsibilities, nationality, citizenship; how these notions come to be gendered; and how the notions are transferred from family arenas into political/public arenas. The project includes analysis of citizenship, family, and transnational families, as some of these families migrated to the US and Canada over the course of the study.  She leads a project analyzing the representation of Arabs, Muslims, Arab American, and Muslim Americans in major American print news media. 

      Dr. Joseph is the founder of the Middle East Research Group in Anthropology (which evolved into the Middle East Section of the American Anthropological Association), founder and founding president of the Association for Middle East Women's Studies (AMEWS) and founder and director of the Arab Families Research Group. She founded and directs the University of California Davis Arab Region Consortium, including the American University of Beirut, the American University in Cairo, the Lebanese American University, Birzeit University, American University of Sharjah, and UC Davis. She was president of the Middle East Studies Association of North America in 2010-2011. She is co-founder and founding president of the Arab American Studies Association and co-founder of the Association for Middle East Anthropology.  She is General Editor of the Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures.  She has edited or co-edited 10 books, and published over 100 articles in journals and books.  She has been a faculty at the University of California, Davis since 1976 where she is Distinguished Research Professor of Anthropology and Women's Studies. She is the founder and founding Director of the Middle East/South Asia Studies Program at UC Davis and was awarded the UC Davis Prize – the largest undergraduate teaching and research prize in the United States. She was awarded the UC Davis Edward A. Dickson Emeriti Professorship for 2020-2021.

Selected Publications

Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures. (EWIC) Volumes 1-6, 2003-2007. Leiden:  Brill.     

Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures  Online. (EWIC Online). Supplements #1-20, 2010-2020. Leiden: Brill.                                     

Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures 2010-2020. Volumes 1-4, 2020; Volumes 5-9 2021. Leiden: Brill.


Edited and Co-Edited Books

2021Arab American Women: Representation and Refusal, edited by Michael Suleiman, Suad Joseph, Louise Cainkar, Syracuse University Press 
2018Arab Family Studies:  Critical Reviews.  Syracuse:  Syracuse University Press.
2013Women and Islamic Cultures.  Disciplinary Paradigms and Approaches:  2003-2013.  Leiden:  Brill.
2010Framings: Rethinking Arab Family Projects. Rethinking Arab Family Projects
2001Women and Power in the Middle East. Eds. Suad Joseph and Susan Slyomovics. Philadelphia: U. of Pennsylvania Press
2000Gender and Citizenship in the Middle East. Suad Joseph, Ed., Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.
1999Intimate Selving in Arab Families: Gender, Self and Identity. Suad Joseph, Ed., Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.
1999Gender and Citizenship in Lebanon. Eds. Najla Hamadeh, Jean Said Makdisi, Suad Joseph. Beirut: Dar al Jadid Press. (In Arabic)
1999Building Citizenship in Lebanon. Eds. Walid Moubarak, Antoine Messarra, and Suad Joseph. Beirut: Lebanese American University Press. (In Arabic)
1978Muslim-Christian Conflicts: Economic, Political and Social Origins. Eds. Suad Joseph and Barbara L.K. Pillsbury. Boulder, CO.: Westview Press


Joseph elected President of the University of California Davis Emeriti Association

Joseph Awarded the  MESA Jere L. Bacharach Lifetime Service Award

Association for Middle East Women's Studies (AMEWS)
Founder, 1984; Founding President, 1984-1986

Arab Families Working Group (AFWG) Founder 2001; Founding and current Director

University of California Davis Arab Region Consortium (UCDAR) Founder 2001; Founding and current Director

Middle East/South Asia Studies Program, UC Davis (ME/SA) Founder & Founding Director, 2004-2009

Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies (co-founder, 1980 and Director )

Middle East Studies Association (MESA) (President 2010-2011)

Association for Middle East Anthropology ( AMEA - Co-founder)

Arab American Studies Association (Co-founder and Founding President)

Middle East Research Group in Anthropology (MERGA) Founder 1975, Founding President, 1975-1977 (pre-cursor to the Middle East Section of the American Anthropological Association)

Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures (Founder and current Gender Editor – 1998 to present )